117 photos   9020 visits

0-Hey everyone

Hey (:
I'm Vanee,my name doesn'tmatter.I love green,I have a obsession for boys with long hair(their must be skaters or bikers).I love to play Guitar, and I love skateboards(but i don't know how i ride on it).And the last think about me: I LOVE ROCK! m/

Comments • 9

BiebersKitti 1 March 2011  
VaneeCream 3 March 2011  
MissVanne 4 January 2011  
MissVanne 4 January 2011  
Haha :)) My name`s Vanessa [Vanne] too..
VaneeCream 6 January 2011  
HaHa...That's so funny:))
DeduxaaLov3 30 December 2010  
Hey vanne
VaneeCream 30 December 2010  
SkateGirlxD 11 December 2010  
Vaneeee ;x
xCherryShakexD 11 December 2010  
Hey Vanee` .
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